Please use scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst, unless otherwise instructed 1. How effectively did you feel your skills were put to use here?*123456789102. How easy was it to get the resources you needed to do your job well with this company?*123456789103. Overall, how fairly were you treated?*123456789104. How often did you feel your contributions were recognized?*123456789105. How clear were the expectations that were set for you?*123456789106. How realistic were the expectations that were set for you?*123456789107. How reasonable were the decisions made by your supervisor?*123456789108. How often did your supervisor listen to employees’ opinions when making decisions?*123456789109. How comfortable did you feel voicing your opinions?*1234567891010. In a typical week, how often did you feel stressed at work?*1234567891011. How difficult was it to balance your work life and personal life while working here?*1234567891012. Overall, did you feel that your work environment was positive or negative*PositiveNeither positive or negativeNegative13. Overall, how much did you like working here?*12345678910What are your reasons for leaving this company?15. What actions can this company take to build a better workplace?16. Do you have any other relevant comments, questions or concerns?